Thursday, 9 June 2011

Always Together- A Short Love Story

It was a pretty wonderful evening. They were speaking of the distant silence and the gushes of the waves as they were passing through the majestic sea shore. They were walking arm in arm, happy and contend, as the way they had spent their entire life…. Suddenly something happened and they were able to see flash back of their life…

They were seeing images of footprints on sand.. As they were seeing, all time there were four footprints together. A great sense of satisfaction came to them as they saw their flash back of life..


As they were saying this, they saw at a distance there were only two footprints on sand….

From four to two??? It means at some point of time we left each other…………… both the friends became perplexed, they started recollecting memories of the past… “When such a event occurred, that we left each other…” There was absolute silence……….as they could not remember as such event.

Just then a voice came through the air…….. At the most difficult times when one of You was unable to walk your path of life, your friend did not left you. Rather he lifted you up and carried you in his shoulders….

That’s why from four footprints it turned to TWO….

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