Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Define the Word Love

Love is not always perfect! There is a lot of imperfections in love too, but when the decision is to be made, the perfection over rules the imperfections and love is experienced in the fullest. Some relationships are like Tom & Jerry. They tease each other, knock each other down, irritate each other but can't live without each other.♥ ts always this beautiful feeling which makes love all the more unique and special to remember and recollect years after. Love is full of risks, love shall make you hastle, love shall make you suffer, but at the end it shall show you the little heaven that is on earth.

When you get attached with someone...
you realize what is "love" ♥♥♥
... When that someone starts avoiding you..
then you realize what is "life"

This is a very amateur, but a sweet description given by a boy to a girl, after being frustrated with some unsuccessful love relationships.

Define "LOVE" and describe in detail.(10 marks)

A serious disorder of heart due to relationship between men & women that can sumtime cause death of 1 or both depending on the resistance associated.

*1sided &
*2 sided

*Usually occurs in teenages but nowdays can be found in any age group.

*Brain and heart (affected people assume that only heart is affected)

*hostel students.

*desire to be loved,

*phone addict,
*no concentration

*mobile(most important)

*anti-love therapy by father or mother's chappal or broom..:D
have a good learnin session...!!

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