Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Writing Online to Earn

To all those who love to write:

I have been writing online for some days and found this website very interesting and so wanted to introduce this to all my associates (friends, family, juniors and seniors)

For whose you love to write--Hubpages.com is one of the most beautiful and elegant website to write for....One of the World's greatest user generated writing sites
... ...
Advantages of writing in hubpages:::

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if you have any question, please ask in the comment...

to visit my profile of this website :    http://ronniedey.hubpages.com/

Monday, 10 October 2011

Zodiac Signs explained: Origin of Aries

The signs of the Zodiac begin with Aries, perhaps because in Greek astrology, Aries was represented by the war goddess Pallas Athene, who was not born but sprang from the head of Zeus as a fully-formed adult. Consequently, Aries is closely associated with both the head and war.

In other ancient cultures, the symbol for Aries was a rooster, indicating both aggressiveness and braggadocio; but eventually it came to be represented by a ram, indicating aggressiveness and stubbornness.

Aries' planetary ruler is Mars (the god of war in Roman mythology; in Greek mythology, his name is Ares). Its influence can be found in your absolute fearlessness, even ferocity, your preference for red, and your lucky day of the week— Tuesday (in French: mardi, named after Mars). Mars also represents energy, ambition, and action, as well as some negative traits such as audacity and thoughtlessness.

Love is Naughty!!!

If уου аrе a naughty girl whο іѕ ѕο bаdlу trying tο gеt hеr ex boyfriend back, уου mіght bе wondering іf boys wουld lονе naughty girls. It hаѕ bееn a fact frοm ancient times thаt ѕοmе boys lονе thе naughtiest girls οn thе planet whіlе ѕοmе others dream thе opposite.

Nο matter іf уου аrе naughty οr nοt, уου саn gеt уουr ex boyfriend back іf уου understand whаt hе wаntѕ аnd whу hе wаntѕ іt. Going through thе following tips wіll give уου ѕοmе tips, hοw tο ‘dress-up’ аѕ a dream girl аnd gеt уουr ex boyfriend back.

  • Find hіm out – Thе first аnd best thing уου саn dο tο gеt уουr ex boyfriend back іѕ tο find thе ‘real hіm’; things hе really lονе, things hе really expect frοm hіm аnd thе things hе іѕ dreaming tο οwn іn future. Knowing those facts wіll hеlр уου mаkе hіm involved wіth уου, fοr уου саn act according tο hіѕ real needs.
  • Live fοr hіm – Wherever уου gο, whatever уου dο, mаkе sure thаt something іѕ fοr hіm [іf everything іѕ nοt possible]. Whеn hе watches уου doing things hе lονеѕ, hе іѕ sure tο thіnk οf getting back tο уου.
  • Mention hіѕ name – Yου ѕhουld nοt convince people іf уου аrе іn gοοd terms wіth уουr boyfriend οr keeping away frοm hіm, talk something аbουt hіm іn уουr conversations. Overhearing уου saying something gοοd аbουt hіm οr getting informed through others mау tempt hіm tο call уου back.
  • Bе more attractive – Aѕ always, try tο bе more attractive thаn whаt уου οftеn аrе. Nobody dares tο leave someone whο іѕ getting better day bу day. Yου wіll gеt hіѕ attention, аnd οf course, gеt уουr ex boyfriend back.
Although thе practical implementation οf theoretical concepts іѕ entirely different, proper preparation wіll mаkе уουr attempts tο gеt уουr ex boyfriend back successful.

Osho Quotes on Life, Death and Attachment

  1. Attachment is the food for the mind to continue. Non-attached witnessing is the way to stop it without any effort to stop it. And when you start enjoying those blissful moments, your capacity to retain them for longer periods arises.
  2. Misery is nothing but the shadow of attachment. And hence all stagnancy. The attached person becomes a stagnant pool -- sooner or later he will stink. He flows no more.
  3. All duality is a mind creation, all duality is created by the clinging and attached mind. When there is no attachment there is no duality.
  4. One day you will disappear on a funeral pyre -- just into nothingness, as smoke. Don't get attached to anything. This attachment takes you away from your real being; you become focused on the thing to which you are attached. Your awareness gets lost in things, in money, in people, in power. And there are a thousand and one things, the whole thick jungle around you, to be lost in. Remember, non-attachment is the secret of finding yourself, then awareness can turn inwards because you don't have anything outside to catch hold of. It is free, and in this freedom you can know your self-nature. 

    Remember remain alert that you don t get too much attached to the accidental -- and all is accidental except your consciousness. Except your awareness, all is accidental. Pain and pleasure, success and failure, fame and defamation -- all is accidental. Only your witnessing consciousness is essential. Stick to it! Get more and more rooted in it. And don't spread your attachment to worldly things.
  5. Much is being missed because of fear. We are too attached to the body and we go on creating more and more fear because of that attachment. The body is going to die, the body is part of death, the body is death -- but you are beyond the body. You are not the body; you are the bodiless. Remember it. Realize it. Awaken yourself to this truth -- that you are beyond the body. You are the witness, the seer.
  6. When lust is transformed and you enter into the city of love, you enter unattached. Remember, that is their definition of love. If love has attachment in it, it is lust, If love has no attachment in it, only then is it not lust. When you are in lust you are not really thinking of the other, thinking of your beloved or lover. You are simply using the other for your own ends. And of course, attachment is bound to be there, because you would like to possess him, and you would like to possess him or her forever. Because tomorrow also you may need, the day after tomorrow also you may need. You need a lover and you want to possess him.
  7. Remember: no attachment should grow, no clinging should grow. They are all against your independence, your freedom, your individuality.
  8. All of our miseries are nothing but attachment. Our whole ignorance and darkness is a strange combination of a thousand and one attachments. And we are attached to things which will be taken away by the time of death, or even perhaps before. You may be very much attached to money but you can go bankrupt tomorrow. You may be very much attached to your power and position, your presidency, your prime ministership, but they are like soap bubbles. Today they are here, tomorrow not even a trace will be left.
  9. If you try too much to change the outside, that shows that you are still attached. If a man tries to be detached, it shows attachment. Why bother about detachment if you are not attached? If a man escapes from women, it shows that sex is still the obsession. Otherwise, why escape from women if you are not obsessed?
  10. A person who lives moment to moment, who goes on dying to the past, is never attached to anything. Attachment comes from the accumulated past. If you can be unattached to the past every moment, then you are always fresh, young, just born. You pulsate with life and that pulsation gives you immortality. You are immortal, only unaware of the fact.

  11. <\div>This is the whole secret of non-attachment: live in the world, but don't be of the world. Love people, but don't create attachments. Reflect people, reflect the beauties of the world -- and there are so many. But don't cling. The clinging mind loses its mirrorhood. And mirrorhood is Buddhahood. To keep that quality of mirroring continuously fresh is to remain young, is to remain pure, is to remain innocent. Know, but don't create knowledge. Love, but don't create desire. Live, live beautifully, live utterly, abandon yourself in the moment. But don't look back. This is the art of non-attachment.
  12. Don't be attached to the things of the world, and don't be attached to the things of the other world, because things are things. It makes no difference whether they are of this world or the other world -- attachment is the problem.
  13. My approach is neither of attachment nor of detachment, but of simple understanding.
  14. To be unattached is not to renounce the world. If you renounce the world you are attached to the world; otherwise why should you renounce it? What is the point in renouncing it if you are not attached to it? Only attachment renounces. If you are really non-attached there is no question of any renunciation.
  15. Just seeing the fact that this is an attachment, that attachment is a bondage -- a beautiful word for bondage -- that attachment is not love... just seeing the ugliness of attachment -- it drops; then arises love. The same energy that was becoming attachment, released from attachment becomes a totally different energy; it becomes love.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Naughty Love Quotes

Love is sexy, Love is naughty and love is viral too. Everyone wishes to be loved, and also yearns for some naughty chats. Naughty desires have always been into the minds of young teenage lovers. I love to be naughty with my love and times and more often too. I get to remember one beautiful quote from the movie When Harry Met Sally. t starts somehow like this---I love that you get cold when it is 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle in your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

Here's two beautiful naughty poem that I would love to share with you all guys,

The Elusive G-Spot

With my tongue I explored
while attempting to memorize her reactions
My fingers followed the avid contour
exploiting her body’s gentle persuasions

My naughty words pleased her senses
extending the five to six
Boldness dismounted the neutral fence
Creative imagination became a randy mix

Five minutes slowly marched to forty-five
Each second seemed a lifetime
The sex was morally alive
Sensations just about blew my mind

We’re into the late morning
after a limping pause
The benefits were truly rewarding
We will revisit the act because…

The very short night quickly slipped
into eternities book of history
The lessons left me fully equipped
to find the elusive g-spot instinctively

Shake That Butt

I am a glutton for punishment
Yes I am
How can this man
convey that sentiment?
Previously, he came to the conclusion,
of an early departure
He had this vision
of her butt and torture
What a dilemma!

Over the hill, so to speak,
Don’t have the stamina
and bones that creak
Oh my, oh me,
Living in grievous misery,
Save me from myself,
I am no longer 3 times 12
Shake that butt please
Let it talk to me
I do prefer the squeeze
to health and liberty
Yea, shake that booty,
Shake it, shake it,
It has a personality
out of habit
Firm and just right
direction and misdirection
All muscles purposely tight
A cause for celebration
Shit! There’s tightness
across my chest
and yes, I’ll miss,
your butt and its sexiness!!